Standard 1

Scientific & Theoretical Knowledge
Physical education teacher candidates know and apply discipline-specific scientific and theoretical concepts critical to the development of physically educated individuals.

Element 1.5: Analyze and correct critical elements of motor skills and performance concepts.

Artifact: Motor Development- Object Control Skills Assessment

Date: Spring 2010

Motor Development Assessment
This is the assessment I used from Motor Development (PED 201). This assessment analyzes the ability of two students age five in their object control skills. These skills include the overhand throw and the catch. 

This assessment shows my ability to analyze and correct critical elements of motor skills and performance concepts. Showing the skill with each key element below it allows me to break down each individual part of the skill and assess  students based on their ability to perform the key  elements instead of just the skill as a whole.

Being able to analyze and correct critical elements of motor skills and performance concepts is very important for a physical education teacher. This is important because as a physical education teacher it is my job to teach students the correct way to perform motor skills by teaching them each key element. In order to succeed at this I must assess my students to see which key elements thay need help with.

Element 1.1: Describe and apply physiological and biomechanical concepts related to skillful movement, physical activity, and fitness.

Artifact: Dartfish Video

Date: Fall 2012

This is a video that was used in lab for EXS 387. I uploaded this video into dartfish which is a program used to analyze bio-mechanical movements.

This video shows that I can describe and apply physiological and bio-mechanical concepts related to skillful movement, physical activity, and fitness. By uploading this video into Dartfish I was able to synch it with a video of my golf swing. I then could determine different factors that went into the swing such as starting the swing, ball contact, and follow through, and create key positions in Dartfish. I can also determine angular rotation and the axis of rotation and compare the position of body parts in each swing.

 The ability to describe and apply physiological and bio-mechanical concepts related to skillful movement, physical activity, and fitness is very important for physical educators. As a physical educator I need to be able to teach and assess fundamental movement skills. With Dartfish I could record students performing each skill and break them down into key positions and analyze each movement throughout the skill. This will help me as a teacher find out exactly where the student is having trouble as well as help the student see where they need to improve.