Standard 3

Planning and Instruction
Physical education teacher candidates plan and implement developmentally appropriate learning experiences aligned with local state, and national standards to address the diverse needs of all students.

Element 3.3: Design and implement content that is aligned with lesson objectives.

Artifact: EDU 255 Lab D Packet

Lab D Packet

Date: Fall 2011

For EDU 255 we were required to create packets for labs in which we would be teaching. Packets included a lesson plan, activity progressions, an assessment for each of the three domains, class rules, scope and sequence, a block plan, as well as other key factors that go in to the lesson.

My Lab D packet shows that I can plan and implement developmentally appropriate learning experiences aligned with local state, and national standards to address the diverse needs of all students. It is proof that I can design and implement content that is aligned with my lesson objectives.

The ability to design and implement content that is aligned with lesson objectives is very important for a physical education teacher. Designing and implementing content is how creative lessons that capture students attention and get them physically active are created. Being able to implement designed activities that meet the objectives of the lesson is very important. It creates a goal for my students and myself to achieve each lesson.

Element 3.1: Design and implement short- and long-term plans that are linked to program and instructional goals, as well as a variety of student needs.

Artifact: Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

Individualized Education Plan
Date: Fall 2012

I designed this Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for my student with a disability in PED 356. This IEP includes my students present level of performance in the cognitive, motor, and affective domains for my first lesson. It then includes long term goals and short term objectives for reaching those goals in the cognitive, motor, and affective domains. It also includes various other information about the student.

This IEP shows that I can design and implement short- and long- term plans that are linked to a program and instructional goals, as well as a variety of student needs. My students disability was severe emotional disturbance (SED). I created an IEP for the student including goals in each of the domains with objectives to help get to these goals. I then based all of my lesson plans on the goals and used the objectives to create activities that progress towards my goals.

Designing and implementing short- and long- term plans linked to a program and instructional goals, as well as a variety of student needs, is a very important skill for a physical education teacher to possess. Having this skill allows physical educators to create goals for students, implement them into lessons, and make progress towards these goals in a way that is adapted to each individual student.