Standard 6

Physical education teacher candidates demonstrate dispositions essential to becoming effective professionals.

Element 6.2: Participate in activities that enhance collaboration and lead to professional growth and development.

Artifact: Rationale

Date: Fall 2011

This is the rationale that I wrote for part of a teacher work sample that I did in a group for PED 434. Each member of our group completed a different part of the teacher work sample. We then had two group members teach one lesson with assessments and then me and my partner taught another lesson with assessments. We then put everything together and presented our results.

This shows that I have participated in an activity that enhances collaboration that leads to professional growth and development. I had to collaborate with my group memebers throughout the semester to plan what we were going to teach, to complete the teacher work sample, and prepare our presentation. This improves my professional growth and development because it put me in a position where my actions affected the grades of my group members. Similar to being a school as a physical education teacher, my colleagues may be depending on me and I need to be responsible and dependable.

 Participating in activities that enhance collaboration and lead to professional growth and development is very important for physical education teachers. It gives them the experience necessary to be successful in this career. With experience collaborating a physical education teacher can work with other teachers better and even include information being worked on in the general education classroom into physical education.  

Element 6.4: Communicate in ways that convey respect and sensitivity.
Letter Home

Artifact: Letter home to parents

Date: Fall 2012

This is the letter I sent home to my students parents in PED 356. This letter was sent home to inform parents on their child has been doing this semester as well as their performance and progress. 

This letter home shows that I can implement learning experiences that are safe, appropriate, relevant, and based
on principles of effective instruction.
The letter explains the activities that I did with their child throughout the semester. It also shows any modifications I made to activities in order to ensure the safety and success of their child.

Designing and implementing learning experiences that are safe, appropriate, relevant, and based
on principles of effective instruction is very important for physical education teachers. Designing our lessons in a way that keeps every student safe should be the goal of all physical education teachers. Using different types of effective instruction can help keep the class safe and manageable. Using modifications to activities to keep them safer is also important when designing a lesson.